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Now, one innovative firm is providing offices with a designated place to tune out the noise and find inner peace. ..Designed by New York-based firm ROOM, the Calm Booth, which is made out of over 1,000 recycled plastic bottles, was created for companies that want to provide their employees with a space to enjoy a moment of peace while working...According to the designers, the inspiration for the Calm Booth came from the common difficulty that workers face when wanting to find a moment of peace during a long, hectic workday. The booth is designed to be a place where “meditation meets privacy,” allowing workers to enjoy a respite to relax and refocus during the day...ROOM has long been known for its soundproof booths that are designed to create private spaces for office use. But this time around, it is partnering with a meditation app, called Calm, to create a soothing space that has an extensive library of meditation soundtracks, from nature soundscapes to music to “nap stories.”..The Calm Booth is a simple structure clad in a crisp, white facade with a frosted, acrylic privacy door. The booth is made soundproof thanks to three layers of insulation made with more than 1,000 recycled plastic bottles...On the interior, the space is minimalist with a simple, green forest print on the walls. The booth also comes with a small shelf, a built-in Ethernet port, soft motion-enabled LED lighting and a ventilation system. Each booth comes with 12 complimentary premium subscriptions to Calm...“By placing a Calm Booth in the workplace, we are offering a space dedicated to mindfulness which will in turn, have a great impact on the overall wellness and productivity of workers.' explained Alejandra Albarran, Director of Design & Innovation at ROOM...''We see this booth as a place where employees might enter stressed and anxious, swept away with their own thoughts, and ho, Image: 480131250, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: COVER Images / Zuma Press / ProfimediaHHAdobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Macintosh)2019:11:20 10:26:38COVER Images / Zuma Press / ProfimediaROOM/Cover Images0230 "0100 [2019:10:31 19:32:45  ( AHH Adobe_CMAdobed            "?   3!1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdE£t6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw5!1AQaq"2B#R3$brCScs4%&5DTdEU6teuFVfv'7GWgw ?TI%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$TI%)$IMG" i~*?j?wPpcw< 8}"#A iP%!UڗڮOՀk?S8G^<>!w~s&Ϭ#? 4%UW'j.=ϱDՑ5{Y#w?bǨGDAI$BI$TI%)$IM:;ʊUrۉGJm()+@{#IM_HW'%96; ?M$-?e`\صp2? 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Now, one innovative firm is providing offices with a designated place to tune out the noise and find inner peace. ..Designed by New York-based firm ROOM, the Calm Booth, which is made out of over 1,000 recycled plastic bottles, was created for companies that want to provide their employees with a space to enjoy a moment of peace while working...According to the designers, the inspiration for the Calm Booth came from the common difficulty that workers face when wanting to find a moment of peace during a long, hectic workday. The booth is designed to be a place where “meditation meets privacy,” allowing workers to enjoy a respite to relax and refocus during the day...ROOM has long been known for its soundproof booths that are designed to create private spaces for office use. But this time around, it is partnering with a meditation app, called Calm, to create a soothing space that has an extensive library of meditation soundtracks, from nature soundscapes to music to “nap stories.”..The Calm Booth is a simple structure clad in a crisp, white facade with a frosted, acrylic privacy door. The booth is made soundproof thanks to three layers of insulation made with more than 1,000 recycled plastic bottles...On the interior, the space is minimalist with a simple, green forest print on the walls. The booth also comes with a small shelf, a built-in Ethernet port, soft motion-enabled LED lighting and a ventilation system. Each booth comes with 12 complimentary premium subscriptions to Calm...“By placing a Calm Booth in the workplace, we are offering a space dedicated to mindfulness which will in turn, have a great impact on the overall wellness and productivity of workers.' explained Alejandra Albarran, Director of Design & Innovation at ROOM...''We see this booth as a place where employees might enter stressed and anxious, swept away with their own thoughts, and ho, Image: 480131250, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: COVER Images / Zuma Press / Profimedia ROOM/Cover Images