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D&G Makeup will be launched this Spring and will feature lipsticks that will be scented with rose and as for the prices - will range from $20 for nail lacquer to $59 for powder foundation. ACTRESS SCARLETT JOHANSSON IN DOLCE AND GABBANA 2009 PROMO AD REF NO : 74018 FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY Scope Features Agency does not claim any Copyright or License in the attached material. Any downloading fees charged by Scope are for Scope services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material , the user expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold Scope harmless from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material. *** Local Caption *** SCARLETT JOHANSSON EN UN POSADO PARA DOLCE Y GABBANAAdobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh2009:02:19 13:01:06ENGLAND-SCOPE FEATURES¬© EUROIMAGEN Y COMUNICACI√ìN  bThe Italian designing duo has revealed that Scarlett Johansson was recently photographed for a series of sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired print ads and are due to debut on the pages of Fashion Bibles later this year. D&G Makeup will be launched this Spring and will feature lipsticks that will be scented with rose and as for the prices - will range from $20 for nail lacquer to $59 for powder foundation. ACTRESS SCARLETT JOHANSSON IN DOLCE AND GABBANA 2009 PROMO AD REF NO : 74018 FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY Scope Features Agency does not claim any Copyright or License in the attached material. Any downloading fees charged by Scope are for Scope services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material , the user expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold Scope harmless from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material. *** Local Caption *** SCARLETT JOHANSSON EN UN POSADO PARA DOLCE Y GABBANAENGLAND-SCOPE FEATURESThe Italian designing duo has revealed that Scarlett Johansson was recently photographed for a series of sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired print ads and are due to debut on the pages of Fashion Bibles later this year. D&G Makeup will be launched this Spring and will feature lipsticks that will be scented with rose and as for the prices - will range from $20 for nail lacquer to $59 for powder foundation. ACTRESS SCARLETT JOHANSSON IN DOLCE AND GABBANA 2009 PROMO AD REF NO : 74018 FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY Scope Features Agency does not claim any Copyright or License in the attached material. Any downloading fees charged by Scope are for Scope services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material , the user expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold Scope harmless from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material. *** Local Caption *** SCARLETT JOHANSSON EN UN POSADO PARA DOLCE Y GABBANAXMP 3 ¬© EUROIMAGEN Y COMUNICACI√ìN The Italian designing duo has revealed that Scarlett Johansson was recently photographed for a series of sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired print ads and are due to debut on the pages of Fashion Bibles later this year. D&G Makeup will be launched this Spring and will feature lipsticks that will be scented with rose and as for the prices - will range from $20 for nail lacquer to $59 for powder foundation. ACTRESS SCARLETT JOHANSSON IN DOLCE AND GABBANA 2009 PROMO AD REF NO : 74018 FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY Scope Features Agency does not claim any Copyright or License in the attached material. Any downloading fees charged by Scope are for Scope services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material , the user expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold Scope harmless from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material. *** Local Caption *** SCARLETT JOHANSSON EN UN POSADO PARA DOLCE Y GABBANA The Italian designing duo has revealed that Scarlett Johansson was recently photographed for a series of sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired print ads and are due to debut on the pages of Fashion Bibles later this year. D&G Makeup will be launched this Spring and will feature lipsticks that will be scented with rose and as for the prices - will range from $20 for nail lacquer to $59 for powder foundation. ACTRESS SCARLETT JOHANSSON IN DOLCE AND GABBANA 2009 PROMO AD REF NO : 74018 FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY Scope Features Agency does not claim any Copyright or License in the attached material. Any downloading fees charged by Scope are for Scope services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material , the user expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold Scope harmless from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material. *** Local Caption *** SCARLETT JOHANSSON EN UN POSADO PARA DOLCE Y GABBANA ENGLAND-SCOPE FEATURES Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh