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Many aftershocks have been recorded since an initial earthquake that caused panic but no serious damage. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 has shaken Indonesia's North Sulawesi province again on January 24, 2007 but there have been no immediate reports of any damage. (Photo by Dimas Ardian/Getty Images)Dimas Ardian2007 Getty Images.B/V0000 "2007:01:24 00:00:002007:01:24 00:00:00Handmade Software, Inc. Image Alchemy v1.12.2 NORTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA - JANUARY 24: A Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) officer points to a screen graphic at the BMG office of a 6.5-magnitude earthquake that struck North Sulawesi province on January 21, 2007 on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Many aftershocks have been recorded since an initial earthquake that caused panic but no serious damage. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 has shaken Indonesia's North Sulawesi province again on January 24, 2007 but there have been no immediate reports of any damage. (Photo by Dimas Ardian/Getty Images)Dimas ArdianRichter;Magnitude;Test;Scale|Sulawesi;Island|Measuring|Testing|Monitoring|Line;Graph|North;Sulawesi;Province|72870018XMP ' Dimas Ardian RichterMagnitudeTestScale|SulawesiIsland|Measuring|Testing|Monitoring|LineGraph|NorthSulawesiProvince|72870018 NORTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA - JANUARY 24: A Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) officer points to a screen graphic at the BMG office of a 6.5-magnitude earthquake that struck North Sulawesi province on January 21, 2007 on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Many aftershocks have been recorded since an initial earthquake that caused panic but no serious damage. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 has shaken Indonesia's North Sulawesi province again on January 24, 2007 but there have been no immediate reports of any damage. (Photo by Dimas Ardian/Getty Images) NORTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA - JANUARY 24: A Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) officer points to a screen graphic at the BMG office of a 6.5-magnitude earthquake that struck North Sulawesi province on January 21, 2007 on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Many aftershocks have been recorded since an initial earthquake that caused panic but no serious damage. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 has shaken Indonesia's North Sulawesi province again on January 24, 2007 but there have been no immediate reports of any damage. (Photo by Dimas Ardian/Getty Images) 2007 Getty Images 2007-01-24T00:00:00RichterMagnitudeTestScale|SulawesiIsland|Measuring|Testing|Monitoring|LineGraph|NorthSulawesiProvince|72870018