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A signed copy of a rare Stephen King book is up for auction at a Maine bookstore, with proceeds going to a nearby homeless shelter's emergency home heating fund. The copy of the  The Regulators, written by horror writer and Maine native King under the pen name Richard Bachman, was donated by a customer of Scottie's Bookhouse in Hancock, Maine. Owner Michael Riggs says there are only 550 copies of the book in a special collector's box. Auction proceeds will go to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter's emergency fuel fund in Ellsworth. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, file)Stephen King BookFILE - This Dec. 7, 2012 file photo shows novelist Stephen King speaking to creative writing students at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in Lowell, Mass. A signed copy of a rare Stephen King book is up for auction at a Maine bookstore, with proceeds going to a nearby homeless shelter's emergency home heating fund. The copy of the  The Regulators, written by horror writer and Maine native King under the pen name Richard Bachman, was donated by a customer of Scottie's Bookhouse in Hancock, Maine. Owner Michael Riggs says there are only 550 copies of the book in a special collector's box. Auction proceeds will go to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter's emergency fuel fund in Ellsworth. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, file)Elise AmendolaFILE - This Dec. 7, 2012 file photo shows novelist Stephen King speaking to creative writing students at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in Lowell, Mass. A signed copy of a rare Stephen King book is up for auction at a Maine bookstore, with proceeds going to a nearby homeless shelter's emergency home heating fund. The copy of the  The Regulators, written by horror writer and Maine native King under the pen name Richard Bachman, was donated by a customer of Scottie's Bookhouse in Hancock, Maine. Owner Michael Riggs says there are only 550 copies of the book in a special collector's box. Auction proceeds will go to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter's emergency fuel fund in Ellsworth. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, file)XMP+ Elise Amendola FILE - This Dec. 7, 2012 file photo shows novelist Stephen King speaking to creative writing students at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in Lowell, Mass. A signed copy of a rare Stephen King book is up for auction at a Maine bookstore, with proceeds going to a nearby homeless shelter's emergency home heating fund. The copy of the “The Regulators,” written by horror writer and Maine native King under the pen name Richard Bachman, was donated by a customer of Scottie's Bookhouse in Hancock, Maine. Owner Michael Riggs says there are only 550 copies of the book in a special collector's box. Auction proceeds will go to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter's emergency fuel fund in Ellsworth. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, file) Stephen King Book Elise AmendolaFILE - This Dec. 7, 2012 file photo shows novelist Stephen King speaking to creative writing students at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in Lowell, Mass. A signed copy of a rare Stephen King book is up for auction at a Maine bookstore, with proceeds going to a nearby homeless shelter's emergency home heating fund. The copy of the “The Regulators,” written by horror writer and Maine native King under the pen name Richard Bachman, was donated by a customer of Scottie's Bookhouse in Hancock, Maine. Owner Michael Riggs says there are only 550 copies of the book in a special collector's box. Auction proceeds will go to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter's emergency fuel fund in Ellsworth. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, file) 2012-12-07T14:32:35Z503