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Currency and lottery concept. Young woman is thinking. Consumerism White Collar Worker Millionnaire Businesswoman Young Women Women Females Employment Issues Celebration Paying Facial Expression Winning Wages Lottery Paper Currency Currency Young Adult Falling Excess Caucasian Ethnicity One Person Wealth Success Luck Aspirations Improvement Surprise Concepts White Business Finance Bill Credit Card earn exult jubilate Dollar Fee maurusone 0, 0 32, 22 64, 56 128, 128 192, 196 255, 255 centerX = 0.586311, centerY = 0.906037, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.582281, sourceY = 0.899937, spotType = heal centerX = 0.572240, centerY = 0.879850, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.568182, sourceY = 0.885732, spotType = heal centerX = 0.551215, centerY = 0.901042, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.547138, sourceY = 0.894886, spotType = heal centerX = 0.560538, centerY = 0.909180, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.564604, sourceY = 0.907513, spotType = heal centerX = 0.571875, centerY = 0.903072, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.576178, sourceY = 0.897096, spotType = heal centerX = 0.544439, centerY = 0.907035, radius = 0.001401, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.544402, sourceY = 0.913510, spotType = heal centerX = 0.547416, centerY = 0.897023, radius = 0.001402, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.551347, sourceY = 0.898359, spotType = heal centerX = 0.546169, centerY = 0.902596, radius = 0.001402, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.546296, sourceY = 0.897727, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535942, centerY = 0.898790, radius = 0.001402, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.536827, sourceY = 0.905303, spotType = heal centerX = 0.555499, centerY = 0.852938, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556608, sourceY = 0.858902, spotType = heal centerX = 0.573639, centerY = 0.862195, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.572601, sourceY = 0.856061, spotType = heal centerX = 0.578098, centerY = 0.860792, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.577020, sourceY = 0.854798, spotType = heal centerX = 0.558712, centerY = 0.856030, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.563763, sourceY = 0.857639, spotType = heal centerX = 0.546272, centerY = 0.847376, radius = 0.001817, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.541246, sourceY = 0.847538, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532991, centerY = 0.849251, radius = 0.001817, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533039, sourceY = 0.855745, spotType = heal centerX = 0.539627, centerY = 0.856368, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.540614, sourceY = 0.862374, spotType = heal centerX = 0.537346, centerY = 0.854822, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538510, sourceY = 0.860795, spotType = heal centerX = 0.558483, centerY = 0.885139, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.554503, sourceY = 0.879104, spotType = heal centerX = 0.552989, centerY = 0.883755, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.553030, sourceY = 0.889836, spotType = heal centerX = 0.551540, centerY = 0.878493, radius = 0.001816, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.546507, sourceY = 0.876894, spotType = heal centerX = 0.577560, centerY = 0.881078, radius = 0.001815, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.576599, sourceY = 0.875000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.572054, centerY = 0.894713, radius = 0.004091, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.580598, sourceY = 0.907513, spotType = heal centerX = 0.574433, centerY = 0.900745, radius = 0.004090, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.572391, sourceY = 0.888258, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534145, centerY = 0.823221, radius = 0.002439, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535354, sourceY = 0.833018, spotType = heal centerX = 0.527394, centerY = 0.834385, radius = 0.002438, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.528620, sourceY = 0.844066, spotType = heal centerX = 0.524073, centerY = 0.836247, radius = 0.002438, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.518729, sourceY = 0.828283, spotType = heal centerX = 0.522934, centerY = 0.827880, radius = 0.002439, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.517677, sourceY = 0.820076, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534661, centerY = 0.828799, radius = 0.002439, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533460, sourceY = 0.821023, spotType = heal centerX = 0.537774, centerY = 0.829416, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.537879, sourceY = 0.823864, spotType = heal centerX = 0.545659, centerY = 0.831265, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.544823, sourceY = 0.824179, spotType = heal centerX = 0.552512, centerY = 0.825210, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.553662, sourceY = 0.830492, spotType = heal centerX = 0.560494, centerY = 0.832945, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556818, sourceY = 0.827652, spotType = heal centerX = 0.561104, centerY = 0.847507, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.557449, sourceY = 0.842172, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532269, centerY = 0.840113, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.532197, sourceY = 0.847538, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535278, centerY = 0.841504, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.536406, sourceY = 0.836174, spotType = heal centerX = 0.527597, centerY = 0.846468, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.523990, sourceY = 0.840909, spotType = heal centerX = 0.524900, centerY = 0.846161, radius = 0.001610, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.521254, sourceY = 0.840593, spotType = heal centerX = 0.549683, centerY = 0.864407, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.546086, sourceY = 0.863005, spotType = heal centerX = 0.559419, centerY = 0.880339, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.560606, sourceY = 0.885732, spotType = heal centerX = 0.563770, centerY = 0.885440, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.568182, sourceY = 0.884154, spotType = heal centerX = 0.554429, centerY = 0.900315, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.555345, sourceY = 0.893624, spotType = heal centerX = 0.564934, centerY = 0.856483, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.563973, sourceY = 0.851010, spotType = heal centerX = 0.563858, centerY = 0.904789, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.560185, sourceY = 0.899306, spotType = heal centerX = 0.544165, centerY = 0.902186, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.545034, sourceY = 0.907513, spotType = heal centerX = 0.560014, centerY = 0.918571, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.563552, sourceY = 0.918561, spotType = heal centerX = 0.568823, centerY = 0.918092, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.568813, sourceY = 0.912563, spotType = heal centerX = 0.543752, centerY = 0.898472, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.542929, sourceY = 0.904356, spotType = heal centerX = 0.549243, centerY = 0.904037, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.545665, sourceY = 0.898674, spotType = heal centerX = 0.548105, centerY = 0.900943, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.551978, sourceY = 0.902146, spotType = heal centerX = 0.550992, centerY = 0.927560, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.550926, sourceY = 0.920455, spotType = heal centerX = 0.548394, centerY = 0.940874, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.547559, sourceY = 0.947601, spotType = heal centerX = 0.561149, centerY = 0.925999, radius = 0.001608, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.560185, sourceY = 0.931818, spotType = heal centerX = 0.550500, centerY = 0.943761, radius = 0.001194, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.550776, sourceY = 0.940589, spotType = clone centerX = 0.548920, centerY = 0.925705, radius = 0.001195, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.548190, sourceY = 0.921402, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541940, centerY = 0.929840, radius = 0.001194, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.542508, sourceY = 0.934975, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541532, centerY = 0.915705, radius = 0.001195, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.540825, sourceY = 0.911616, spotType = heal centerX = 0.570350, centerY = 0.909370, radius = 0.001195, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.569655, sourceY = 0.913510, spotType = heal centerX = 0.575118, centerY = 0.908123, radius = 0.001195, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.571759, sourceY = 0.909091, spotType = heal centerX = 0.578022, centerY = 0.904815, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.574074, sourceY = 0.903409, spotType = heal centerX = 0.570904, centerY = 0.906892, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.575968, sourceY = 0.905303, spotType = heal centerX = 0.564764, centerY = 0.895448, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.560816, sourceY = 0.889520, spotType = heal centerX = 0.560195, centerY = 0.906085, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.565236, sourceY = 0.906250, spotType = heal centerX = 0.564261, centerY = 0.921247, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.563342, sourceY = 0.915720, spotType = heal centerX = 0.581682, centerY = 0.906046, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.577652, sourceY = 0.904672, spotType = heal centerX = 0.580652, centerY = 0.899030, radius = 0.001746, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.579545, sourceY = 0.892992, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535953, centerY = 0.874024, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535143, sourceY = 0.868687, spotType = heal centerX = 0.528214, centerY = 0.861026, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.527357, sourceY = 0.855745, spotType = heal centerX = 0.556771, centerY = 0.862331, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.553241, sourceY = 0.863636, spotType = heal centerX = 0.543839, centerY = 0.867822, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.540194, sourceY = 0.866477, spotType = heal centerX = 0.549431, centerY = 0.879787, radius = 0.001609, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.553030, sourceY = 0.878472, spotType = heal centerX = 0.525331, centerY = 0.800128, radius = 0.001611, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.525463, sourceY = 0.805556, spotType = heal centerX = 0.547876, centerY = 0.774503, radius = 0.001612, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.546928, sourceY = 0.781881, spotType = heal centerX = 0.515864, centerY = 0.626027, radius = 0.001929, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.515993, sourceY = 0.619949, spotType = heal centerX = 0.478413, centerY = 0.513426, radius = 0.001654, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.482323, sourceY = 0.519255, spotType = heal centerX = 0.466685, centerY = 0.503015, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.466751, sourceY = 0.507576, spotType = heal centerX = 0.483271, centerY = 0.499580, radius = 0.001098, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.483375, sourceY = 0.504419, spotType = heal centerX = 0.460649, centerY = 0.512904, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.461490, sourceY = 0.517677, spotType = heal centerX = 0.464397, centerY = 0.536741, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.464436, sourceY = 0.541351, spotType = heal centerX = 0.461829, centerY = 0.527789, radius = 0.002625, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.460438, sourceY = 0.519255, spotType = heal centerX = 0.476402, centerY = 0.549025, radius = 0.002208, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.471591, sourceY = 0.547033, spotType = heal centerX = 0.476886, centerY = 0.525501, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.480008, sourceY = 0.525568, spotType = heal centerX = 0.474666, centerY = 0.526021, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.478746, sourceY = 0.527146, spotType = heal centerX = 0.461759, centerY = 0.506034, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.458544, sourceY = 0.501263, spotType = heal centerX = 0.463910, centerY = 0.485944, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.467382, sourceY = 0.487374, spotType = heal centerX = 0.479454, centerY = 0.482716, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.476221, sourceY = 0.482639, spotType = heal centerX = 0.464049, centerY = 0.478449, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.463173, sourceY = 0.472854, spotType = heal centerX = 0.464743, centerY = 0.474598, radius = 0.001931, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.460648, sourceY = 0.473169, spotType = heal centerX = 0.465576, centerY = 0.481155, radius = 0.001931, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.464646, sourceY = 0.473485, spotType = heal centerX = 0.468351, centerY = 0.480530, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.467382, sourceY = 0.473485, spotType = heal centerX = 0.484242, centerY = 0.477615, radius = 0.001654, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.479798, sourceY = 0.476326, spotType = heal centerX = 0.489309, centerY = 0.500309, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.485690, sourceY = 0.501263, spotType = heal centerX = 0.491946, centerY = 0.493854, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.492845, sourceY = 0.488321, spotType = heal centerX = 0.503466, centerY = 0.566407, radius = 0.001514, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.502892, sourceY = 0.563329, spotType = heal centerX = 0.495208, centerY = 0.551004, radius = 0.001515, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.492003, sourceY = 0.546086, spotType = heal centerX = 0.501107, centerY = 0.562348, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.500210, sourceY = 0.567551, spotType = heal centerX = 0.464539, centerY = 0.562967, radius = 0.001375, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.466242, sourceY = 0.568078, spotType = heal centerX = 0.460305, centerY = 0.544546, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.461069, sourceY = 0.550505, spotType = heal centerX = 0.503883, centerY = 0.569112, radius = 0.001376, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.504283, sourceY = 0.574072, spotType = heal centerX = 0.542250, centerY = 0.574617, radius = 0.002346, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.537247, sourceY = 0.582386, spotType = heal centerX = 0.527267, centerY = 0.567860, radius = 0.002069, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.528620, sourceY = 0.574495, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532679, centerY = 0.563072, radius = 0.002069, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.532828, sourceY = 0.556187, spotType = heal centerX = 0.530599, centerY = 0.554643, radius = 0.001514, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.527357, sourceY = 0.559975, spotType = heal centerX = 0.556613, centerY = 0.544749, radius = 0.001514, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556608, sourceY = 0.549874, spotType = heal centerX = 0.536635, centerY = 0.554954, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535985, sourceY = 0.549874, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534206, centerY = 0.560261, radius = 0.001514, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533460, sourceY = 0.565657, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534276, centerY = 0.554018, radius = 0.001514, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.530724, sourceY = 0.559343, spotType = clone centerX = 0.538438, centerY = 0.560572, radius = 0.001375, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538510, sourceY = 0.555871, spotType = heal centerX = 0.539617, centerY = 0.557866, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538721, sourceY = 0.552399, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541629, centerY = 0.555160, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.540614, sourceY = 0.549558, spotType = heal centerX = 0.540173, centerY = 0.552767, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.540194, sourceY = 0.547348, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541629, centerY = 0.558802, radius = 0.001930, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.545875, sourceY = 0.557449, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535038, centerY = 0.562655, radius = 0.001375, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.531776, sourceY = 0.564078, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534065, centerY = 0.571707, radius = 0.001375, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.530934, sourceY = 0.570391, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541696, centerY = 0.570768, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.545244, sourceY = 0.565341, spotType = heal centerX = 0.530527, centerY = 0.575246, radius = 0.001098, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.527778, sourceY = 0.579230, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532681, centerY = 0.546317, radius = 0.001098, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.529672, sourceY = 0.545455, spotType = heal centerX = 0.553980, centerY = 0.527370, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.551136, sourceY = 0.531881, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541840, centerY = 0.535282, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538931, sourceY = 0.535354, spotType = heal centerX = 0.539619, centerY = 0.541111, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538931, sourceY = 0.547033, spotType = heal centerX = 0.541216, centerY = 0.528413, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.537458, sourceY = 0.529356, spotType = heal centerX = 0.540383, centerY = 0.538197, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.541035, sourceY = 0.542298, spotType = heal centerX = 0.537538, centerY = 0.545587, radius = 0.001237, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.534722, sourceY = 0.545770, spotType = heal centerX = 0.539342, centerY = 0.543817, radius = 0.001653, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535774, sourceY = 0.538194, spotType = heal centerX = 0.512463, centerY = 0.504916, radius = 0.000471, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.510943, sourceY = 0.506944, spotType = heal centerX = 0.521572, centerY = 0.498708, radius = 0.000471, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.522096, sourceY = 0.496528, spotType = heal centerX = 0.511656, centerY = 0.498513, radius = 0.000679, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.510101, sourceY = 0.499369, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535803, centerY = 0.543714, radius = 0.001408, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535774, sourceY = 0.538826, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534242, centerY = 0.542856, radius = 0.001200, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.537037, sourceY = 0.543876, spotType = heal centerX = 0.536167, centerY = 0.546680, radius = 0.001304, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.536195, sourceY = 0.540720, spotType = heal centerX = 0.549748, centerY = 0.538012, radius = 0.001303, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.549032, sourceY = 0.542614, spotType = heal centerX = 0.561454, centerY = 0.514359, radius = 0.001303, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.562368, sourceY = 0.507642, spotType = heal centerX = 0.520746, centerY = 0.443267, radius = 0.001442, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.521675, sourceY = 0.448548, spotType = heal centerX = 0.537383, centerY = 0.377951, radius = 0.001441, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.536616, sourceY = 0.373106, spotType = heal centerX = 0.525245, centerY = 0.372435, radius = 0.001441, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.524411, sourceY = 0.377210, spotType = heal centerX = 0.530168, centerY = 0.367345, radius = 0.001441, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533670, sourceY = 0.368687, spotType = heal centerX = 0.533916, centerY = 0.378365, radius = 0.001164, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533249, sourceY = 0.382576, spotType = heal centerX = 0.519698, centerY = 0.383972, radius = 0.001164, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.516414, sourceY = 0.384785, spotType = heal centerX = 0.511791, centerY = 0.392600, radius = 0.002413, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.517045, sourceY = 0.394571, spotType = heal centerX = 0.526980, centerY = 0.378569, radius = 0.001580, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.526936, sourceY = 0.383838, spotType = heal centerX = 0.539259, centerY = 0.386997, radius = 0.001580, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538510, sourceY = 0.381629, spotType = heal centerX = 0.544116, centerY = 0.396046, radius = 0.001303, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.543350, sourceY = 0.390467, spotType = heal centerX = 0.547792, centerY = 0.397088, radius = 0.001164, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.546237, sourceY = 0.392564, spotType = heal centerX = 0.555299, centerY = 0.486986, radius = 0.001165, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.552609, sourceY = 0.482955, spotType = heal centerX = 0.528936, centerY = 0.497186, radius = 0.001165, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.528199, sourceY = 0.493056, spotType = heal centerX = 0.525085, centerY = 0.492111, radius = 0.000749, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.524526, sourceY = 0.490041, spotType = heal centerX = 0.515609, centerY = 0.424587, radius = 0.001165, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.512205, sourceY = 0.423611, spotType = heal centerX = 0.527681, centerY = 0.418192, radius = 0.001165, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.530513, sourceY = 0.417298, spotType = heal centerX = 0.522269, centerY = 0.413041, radius = 0.001165, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.518939, sourceY = 0.414457, spotType = heal centerX = 0.518313, centerY = 0.398218, radius = 0.001164, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.521044, sourceY = 0.398359, spotType = heal centerX = 0.531847, centerY = 0.559013, radius = 0.002205, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.533039, sourceY = 0.566288, spotType = heal centerX = 0.545696, centerY = 0.645520, radius = 0.001787, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.541667, sourceY = 0.647096, spotType = heal centerX = 0.542715, centerY = 0.645419, radius = 0.001372, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538721, sourceY = 0.645518, spotType = heal centerX = 0.553076, centerY = 0.546519, radius = 0.002206, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.557038, sourceY = 0.537268, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532365, centerY = 0.577118, radius = 0.001789, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.528409, sourceY = 0.583018, spotType = heal centerX = 0.532052, centerY = 0.581488, radius = 0.001789, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.535985, sourceY = 0.579861, spotType = heal centerX = 0.550786, centerY = 0.554168, radius = 0.001789, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.546717, sourceY = 0.560290, spotType = heal centerX = 0.555264, centerY = 0.494845, radius = 0.002206, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556608, sourceY = 0.487689, spotType = heal centerX = 0.557657, centerY = 0.491566, radius = 0.002206, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556397, sourceY = 0.498737, spotType = heal centerX = 0.494902, centerY = 0.713165, radius = 0.001370, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.491793, sourceY = 0.708333, spotType = heal centerX = 0.553018, centerY = 0.842254, radius = 0.001366, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.556187, sourceY = 0.840909, spotType = heal centerX = 0.571684, centerY = 0.846401, radius = 0.001366, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.574916, sourceY = 0.851010, spotType = heal centerX = 0.546547, centerY = 0.905279, radius = 0.003640, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.548401, sourceY = 0.916982, spotType = heal centerX = 0.542975, centerY = 0.809879, radius = 0.001988, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.538510, sourceY = 0.809975, spotType = heal centerX = 0.535706, centerY = 0.815624, radius = 0.001988, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.536827, sourceY = 0.809028, spotType = heal centerX = 0.479949, centerY = 0.377630, radius = 0.001303, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.480850, sourceY = 0.373422, spotType = heal centerX = 0.481753, centerY = 0.376382, radius = 0.001303, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.481061, sourceY = 0.380997, spotType = heal centerX = 0.489239, centerY = 0.475949, radius = 0.001860, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.493266, sourceY = 0.474432, spotType = heal centerX = 0.486741, centerY = 0.476157, radius = 0.001860, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.481692, sourceY = 0.477904, spotType = heal d 0.537884 0.449723 d 0.539008 0.448474 d 0.540082 0.446914 d 0.541213 0.445859 d 0.480636 0.440352 d 0.481677 0.438613 d 0.482718 0.437422 d 0.484175 0.435981 Hesitation background beautiful beauty choose concept confusion decide decision demand difficulty doubt education female girl gray hard head headache ignore inspiration interest learn looking many misunderstanding people portrait problem puzzle query question request resolve schoolgirl sign teaser teen teenager think thinking woman work young