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radius = 0.002496, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.477208, sourceY = 0.465812, spotType = clone centerX = 0.497674, centerY = 0.436446, radius = 0.002496, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.502671, sourceY = 0.434829, spotType = clone centerX = 0.554649, centerY = 0.478917, radius = 0.002496, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.549323, sourceY = 0.480770, spotType = clone centerX = 0.265500, centerY = 0.305828, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.263711, sourceY = 0.320246, spotType = clone centerX = 0.398857, centerY = 0.272172, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.391382, sourceY = 0.272169, spotType = clone centerX = 0.382121, centerY = 0.314108, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.389779, sourceY = 0.311432, spotType = clone centerX = 0.346689, centerY = 0.328800, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.354345, sourceY = 0.326656, spotType = clone centerX = 0.401884, centerY = 0.314375, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.400107, sourceY = 0.305289, spotType = clone centerX = 0.415772, centerY = 0.372339, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.421652, sourceY = 0.370726, spotType = clone centerX = 0.529722, centerY = 0.370469, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.530983, sourceY = 0.377404, spotType = clone centerX = 0.549307, centerY = 0.373407, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.549323, sourceY = 0.366453, spotType = clone centerX = 0.545034, centerY = 0.371805, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.538996, sourceY = 0.370192, spotType = clone centerX = 0.525271, centerY = 0.352840, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.531339, sourceY = 0.362179, spotType = clone centerX = 0.557320, centerY = 0.340285, radius = 0.004989, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.566596, sourceY = 0.337340, spotType = clone centerX = 0.547705, centerY = 0.320519, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.547721, sourceY = 0.311432, spotType = clone centerX = 0.527764, centerY = 0.265494, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.529024, sourceY = 0.272436, spotType = clone centerX = 0.528476, centerY = 0.284192, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.533298, sourceY = 0.286325, spotType = clone centerX = 0.451559, centerY = 0.287397, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.445691, sourceY = 0.289263, spotType = clone centerX = 0.416662, centerY = 0.894543, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.410078, sourceY = 0.892361, spotType = clone centerX = 0.416484, centerY = 0.869168, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.424502, sourceY = 0.866186, spotType = clone centerX = 0.506932, centerY = 0.835511, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.512998, sourceY = 0.833333, spotType = clone centerX = 0.523491, centerY = 0.831238, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.514957, sourceY = 0.834135, spotType = clone centerX = 0.517437, centerY = 0.852072, radius = 0.001428, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.516560, sourceY = 0.846154, spotType = clone centerX = 0.518683, centerY = 0.758583, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.520477, sourceY = 0.771368, spotType = clone centerX = 0.462598, centerY = 0.743091, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.464387, sourceY = 0.755609, spotType = clone centerX = 0.452272, centerY = 0.735879, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.450499, sourceY = 0.745727, spotType = clone centerX = 0.456189, centerY = 0.742289, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.454416, sourceY = 0.731838, spotType = clone centerX = 0.513342, centerY = 0.802924, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.511574, sourceY = 0.792468, spotType = clone centerX = 0.492688, centerY = 0.790102, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.491275, sourceY = 0.803953, spotType = clone centerX = 0.472035, centerY = 0.791972, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.470264, sourceY = 0.805021, spotType = clone centerX = 0.451381, centerY = 0.709969, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.453348, sourceY = 0.720620, spotType = clone centerX = 0.476664, centerY = 0.641321, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.478454, sourceY = 0.627938, spotType = clone centerX = 0.481471, centerY = 0.653875, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.481481, sourceY = 0.641026, spotType = clone centerX = 0.503015, centerY = 0.639184, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.503027, sourceY = 0.653846, spotType = clone centerX = 0.508891, centerY = 0.570002, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.508903, sourceY = 0.582532, spotType = clone centerX = 0.488593, centerY = 0.568399, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.486467, sourceY = 0.552885, spotType = clone centerX = 0.509959, centerY = 0.612206, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.511930, sourceY = 0.605502, spotType = clone centerX = 0.580288, centerY = 0.609000, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.574430, sourceY = 0.610844, spotType = clone centerX = 0.577795, centerY = 0.620486, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.577991, sourceY = 0.627938, spotType = clone centerX = 0.454942, centerY = 0.507765, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.450321, sourceY = 0.509081, spotType = clone centerX = 0.466159, centerY = 0.436713, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.470798, sourceY = 0.429754, spotType = clone centerX = 0.529900, centerY = 0.483725, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.524038, sourceY = 0.485310, spotType = clone centerX = 0.676611, centerY = 0.315177, radius = 0.002140, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.677885, sourceY = 0.323985, spotType = clone centerX = 0.702428, centerY = 0.312239, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.704238, sourceY = 0.322650, spotType = clone centerX = 0.699936, centerY = 0.325594, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.698184, sourceY = 0.315171, spotType = clone centerX = 0.697443, centerY = 0.336279, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.689993, sourceY = 0.338675, spotType = clone centerX = 0.705989, centerY = 0.288198, radius = 0.004989, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.693020, sourceY = 0.292468, spotType = clone centerX = 0.705277, centerY = 0.297815, radius = 0.002852, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.705306, sourceY = 0.306891, spotType = clone centerX = 0.740708, centerY = 0.461287, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.740741, sourceY = 0.475961, spotType = clone centerX = 0.750679, centerY = 0.508833, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.750534, sourceY = 0.523237, spotType = clone centerX = 0.776674, centerY = 0.538483, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.776709, sourceY = 0.524306, spotType = clone centerX = 0.785220, centerY = 0.559317, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.787037, sourceY = 0.571581, spotType = clone centerX = 0.783084, centerY = 0.568933, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.783120, sourceY = 0.579861, spotType = clone centerX = 0.779701, centerY = 0.629568, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.779736, sourceY = 0.620726, spotType = clone centerX = 0.787001, centerY = 0.610603, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.787037, sourceY = 0.621795, spotType = clone centerX = 0.660943, centerY = 0.652807, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.667735, sourceY = 0.650641, spotType = clone centerX = 0.736257, centerY = 0.539818, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.734509, sourceY = 0.527511, spotType = clone centerX = 0.724150, centerY = 0.549968, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.722935, sourceY = 0.535791, spotType = clone centerX = 0.712043, centerY = 0.570536, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.712073, sourceY = 0.585203, spotType = clone centerX = 0.741065, centerY = 0.516579, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.741097, sourceY = 0.498131, spotType = clone centerX = 0.744982, centerY = 0.546229, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.745014, sourceY = 0.560630, spotType = clone centerX = 0.698689, centerY = 0.587631, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.696225, sourceY = 0.573718, spotType = clone centerX = 0.678392, centerY = 0.603124, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.687678, sourceY = 0.596154, spotType = clone centerX = 0.695840, centerY = 0.609535, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.693910, sourceY = 0.595353, spotType = clone centerX = 0.625868, centerY = 0.877448, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.635149, sourceY = 0.873932, spotType = clone centerX = 0.631565, centerY = 0.875312, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.639780, sourceY = 0.872329, spotType = clone centerX = 0.622485, centerY = 0.914310, radius = 0.003208, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.622685, sourceY = 0.904914, spotType = clone centerX = 0.691745, centerY = 0.954109, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.693910, sourceY = 0.966613, spotType = clone centerX = 0.697265, centerY = 0.939418, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.697293, sourceY = 0.924412, spotType = clone centerX = 0.706879, centerY = 0.949034, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.706909, sourceY = 0.962072, spotType = clone centerX = 0.764211, centerY = 0.817348, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.764423, sourceY = 0.830128, spotType = clone centerX = 0.475596, centerY = 0.950103, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.483796, sourceY = 0.962073, spotType = clone centerX = 0.467228, centerY = 0.919919, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.456909, sourceY = 0.923611, spotType = clone centerX = 0.502837, centerY = 0.977081, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.501603, sourceY = 0.965011, spotType = clone centerX = 0.622663, centerY = 0.878250, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.628561, sourceY = 0.876069, spotType = clone centerX = 0.788069, centerY = 0.972807, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.788105, sourceY = 0.957799, spotType = clone centerX = 0.723794, centerY = 0.951438, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.723825, sourceY = 0.964743, spotType = clone centerX = 0.728601, centerY = 0.895879, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.730769, sourceY = 0.880075, spotType = clone centerX = 0.720945, centerY = 0.789301, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.720976, sourceY = 0.802083, spotType = clone centerX = 0.695128, centerY = 0.821355, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.703170, sourceY = 0.818376, spotType = clone centerX = 0.726999, centerY = 0.822690, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.733440, sourceY = 0.820246, spotType = clone centerX = 0.909675, centerY = 0.722256, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.911859, sourceY = 0.737981, spotType = clone centerX = 0.868012, centerY = 0.734810, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.865919, sourceY = 0.719551, spotType = clone centerX = 0.932644, centerY = 0.766597, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.924501, sourceY = 0.763622, spotType = clone centerX = 0.948846, centerY = 0.723324, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.940705, sourceY = 0.720353, spotType = clone centerX = 0.933712, centerY = 0.736947, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.931624, sourceY = 0.752671, spotType = clone centerX = 0.874244, centerY = 0.555578, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.874288, sourceY = 0.571848, spotType = clone centerX = 0.820118, centerY = 0.552907, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.822294, sourceY = 0.566775, spotType = clone centerX = 0.825993, centerY = 0.551838, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.823896, sourceY = 0.536592, spotType = clone centerX = 0.810859, centerY = 0.511237, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.808761, sourceY = 0.499733, spotType = clone centerX = 0.956858, centerY = 0.489334, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.959046, sourceY = 0.474092, spotType = clone centerX = 0.872285, centerY = 0.482389, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.862001, sourceY = 0.485844, spotType = clone centerX = 0.798574, centerY = 0.488533, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.798611, sourceY = 0.505075, spotType = clone centerX = 0.800176, centerY = 0.462089, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.800214, sourceY = 0.478365, spotType = clone centerX = 0.801067, centerY = 0.442322, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.798433, sourceY = 0.457532, spotType = clone centerX = 0.819583, centerY = 0.414275, radius = 0.003920, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.811432, sourceY = 0.414530, spotType = clone centerX = 0.892405, centerY = 0.382756, radius = 0.006057, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.895655, sourceY = 0.364316, spotType = clone centerX = 0.892939, centerY = 0.401721, radius = 0.006057, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.877315, sourceY = 0.406784, spotType = clone centerX = 0.891871, centerY = 0.414810, radius = 0.006057, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.879452, sourceY = 0.415064, spotType = clone centerX = 0.916263, centerY = 0.457013, radius = 0.006057, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.919516, sourceY = 0.438568, spotType = clone centerX = 0.850742, centerY = 0.389434, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.850783, sourceY = 0.404113, spotType = clone centerX = 0.970568, centerY = 0.275644, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.961004, sourceY = 0.279380, spotType = clone centerX = 0.873354, centerY = 0.263357, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.863782, sourceY = 0.266827, spotType = clone centerX = 0.965404, centerY = 0.273240, radius = 0.004633, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.953348, sourceY = 0.273237, spotType = clone centerX = 0.799642, centerY = 0.295945, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.807336, sourceY = 0.293269, spotType = clone centerX = 0.796081, centerY = 0.264960, radius = 0.003564, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.798077, sourceY = 0.278579, spotType = clone fototrav fototrav Editorial www Web Page Censorship Computer The Media Porcelain Community Computer Network Liquid-Crystal Display Branding Global Communications Apple Macintosh Connection Communication Forbidden Technology China - East Asia Window Sign Internet Laptop PC browser Google web browser Concepts And Ideas Modern Life Communication Communications Technology Technology Beijing, China - March 2, 2011: Google China homepage viewed from a LCD screen laptop. Google.cn is censored in China but propose a link to users to the Chinese version of its Honk Kong website. 458615095