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Depressing state conceptNIKON CORPORATIONNIKON D5100HHAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Macintosh)2017:11:15 17:47:05V_SotThis content is subject to copyright.Young woman with sinus pressure painbackground; medical; woman; girl; face; sinus; headache; ache; head; eyes; sore; fatigue; pain; adult; allergies; average; beautiful; care; casual; caucasian; cold; concept; emotion; emotional; feeling; female; flu; hands; health; healthcare; ill; illness; migraine; misery; nose; painful; patient; pressure; pretty; problem; sick; skin; sneeze; stress; symptom; tired; touch; unhealthy; white; worryYoung woman with sinus pressure pain. 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sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.506696, sourceY = 0.520833, spotType = heal centerX = 0.488028, centerY = 0.540441, radius = 0.002273, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.488028, sourceY = 0.556679, spotType = heal centerX = 0.538555, centerY = 0.560049, radius = 0.002273, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.501623, sourceY = 0.569853, spotType = heal centerX = 0.534294, centerY = 0.561887, radius = 0.002273, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.522524, sourceY = 0.552390, spotType = heal centerX = 0.522930, centerY = 0.537684, radius = 0.002273, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.522524, sourceY = 0.521752, spotType = heal centerX = 0.612216, centerY = 0.699755, radius = 0.002273, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.613433, sourceY = 0.708333, spotType = heal centerX = 0.633320, centerY = 0.559436, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.612825, sourceY = 0.549020, spotType = heal centerX = 0.667817, centerY = 0.579963, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.656047, sourceY = 0.561887, spotType = heal centerX = 0.607549, centerY = 0.502145, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.617898, sourceY = 0.507353, spotType = heal centerX = 0.629058, centerY = 0.515012, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.640016, sourceY = 0.510110, spotType = heal centerX = 0.598011, centerY = 0.630821, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.675122, sourceY = 0.650429, spotType = heal centerX = 0.564935, centerY = 0.618566, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.554586, sourceY = 0.615502, spotType = heal centerX = 0.586242, centerY = 0.326593, radius = 0.004769, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.596997, sourceY = 0.317708, spotType = heal centerX = 0.517857, centerY = 0.161458, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.506494, sourceY = 0.161458, spotType = heal centerX = 0.478896, centerY = 0.186275, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.478896, sourceY = 0.205270, spotType = heal centerX = 0.482955, centerY = 0.147365, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.483969, sourceY = 0.166360, spotType = heal centerX = 0.689529, centerY = 0.204657, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.688109, sourceY = 0.221507, spotType = heal centerX = 0.567167, centerY = 0.157475, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.559456, sourceY = 0.189951, spotType = heal centerX = 0.549716, centerY = 0.180760, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.549716, sourceY = 0.199755, spotType = heal centerX = 0.591112, centerY = 0.284620, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.589489, sourceY = 0.231924, spotType = heal centerX = 0.660106, centerY = 0.531556, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.664367, sourceY = 0.506434, spotType = heal centerX = 0.644886, centerY = 0.545650, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.648336, sourceY = 0.528799, spotType = heal centerX = 0.652597, centerY = 0.547488, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.654830, sourceY = 0.564951, spotType = heal centerX = 0.652597, centerY = 0.507659, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.665787, sourceY = 0.507659, spotType = heal centerX = 0.653612, centerY = 0.589461, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.660308, sourceY = 0.556985, spotType = heal centerX = 0.540787, centerY = 0.475490, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.559050, sourceY = 0.480086, spotType = heal centerX = 0.634740, centerY = 0.515319, radius = 0.005185, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.634740, sourceY = 0.534314, spotType = heal 675323588 background medical woman girl face sinus ache eyes sore fatigue allergies average beautiful casual caucasian cold concept emotion emotional feeling female flu hands health healthcare ill migraine misery painful pressure pretty problem sick sneeze stress touch unhealthy worry This content is subject to copyright. Young woman with sinus pressure pain. Depressing state concept V_Sot background medical woman girl face sinus headache ache head eyes sore fatigue pain adult allergies average beautiful care casual caucasian cold concept emotion emotional feeling female flu hands health healthcare ill illness migraine misery nose painful patient pressure pretty problem sick skin sneeze stress symptom tired touch unhealthy white worry